Each child has a promise, potential and purpose

We believe in providing a safe, nurturing environment through which we can inspire students to strive for academic excellence, emotional and physical well-being, and spiritual maturity.  Integrated curriculum and multi-sensory learning are important parts of our curriculum as we believe students learn best when they are motivated, enthusiastic, and participating in hands-on activities.

The core subjects in our elementary school include Bible, mathematics, reading, language arts, phonics, spelling, composition, science, social studies, and penmanship.  Weekly enrichment classes include art, music, computer, library, physical education, and Spanish class.  Our fourth and fifth graders are able to choose a concentration in band or chorus by meeting in these classes several times a week and performing in concerts.  In addition, fourth and fifth graders participate in a Critical and Creative Thinking course where students are able to complete challenging puzzles, promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and work collaboratively on projects.

CCS believes a strong relationship with God is a vital part of instruction, and we reinforce this relationship by providing students with an opportunity for praise and worship each week in chapel.  Students also participate in mission work and service projects that help inspire them to be faithful disciples of Christ.

At Community, our commitment is to promote success in school and in life by demonstrating Jesus’ unconditional love through a trusted program that exceeds expectations.